GAIM 2025 Competition
Frequently Asked Questions
Mark your calendars! GAIM 2025 is coming to you April 4-11, 2025!
Who can register for the GAIM 2025 Competition?
Any elementary school team in grades 3-5 or middle school team in grades 6-8 can register for the GAIM 2025 Competition with a designated coach. A team consists of 4 girls* in the same grade range. While GAIM is meant to support the classroom learning environment, the four girls on each team do not need to attend the same school.
* GAIM is a program especially designed for girls; however, we will not exclude any student who would like to participate.
How can we register for the competition?
Registration for GAIM 2025 opens November 1, 2024 and closes March 1, 2025. Upon form submission, we will send a confirmation email with information regarding the Coaches’ Corner and next steps.
How many teams can each school register for the competition?
Each school or individual may enroll as many teams as they would like across the two divisions. These two divisions are Upper Elementary, for grades 3-5, and Middle, for grades 6-8.
How much does it cost to participate in the competition?
The cost for the online competition is $50 for each of the first 4 teams, and $40 for each team from the same school or group thereafter. For example, if you register 6 teams, the cost would be 4 x $50 + 2 x $40 = $280 total.
Title 1 schools may register 2 teams for free and each additional team costs $20. Other groups may email us or indicate on the registration form if they would like to request financial aid, which is available thanks to our donors.
** If you are interested in hosting an in-person GAIM 2025 competition please email!
If you have already registered 4+ teams, but then want to register additional teams for $40 each at a later time, please email us at, and we will send you a separate registration form.
What is a ‘coach’ as listed on the GAIM 2025 Competition registration form?
The Coach is the adult point of contact for the teams in the registration. The Coach will receive communications and confirmations related to their registered teams' participation in GAIM. No knowledge of math is required, although it is a plus.
How many students can participate on each team?
Up to four girls should participate on each team. It’s okay to have a team with fewer than 4; however you cannot have more than 4.
I am a parent—Can I put together a team?
We love parent coaches! Parents are encouraged to put together teams.
Is the competition individual, or will my team be allowed to collaborate?
Collaboration is allowed and encouraged! GAIM is a team competition, meant to bring out the benefits of working together to solve problems.
Will my team receive a score?
Yes, team members will receive scores shortly after the competition window. Scores determine eligibility for each of the national distinctions.
How should my team prepare for the Competition?
We have a page for that here!
aRE Calculators allowed during the competition?
No calculators, online help, or outside help are allowed during the competition. Mathletes may only have pencils and blank paper to aid them.
Can I participate from outside the united states?
Yes, we’d love to have you participate! Since GAIM will take place online, any team around the world can compete as long as you have Internet access.
Do students need to be in the same location for the day of the competition? can they join virtually from separate locations?
Each student will have her own AoPS contest account and will be able to view the questions from wherever she is. Students do not need to be in the same location for the day of the competition, as long as they can all get on the same Zoom call or some other videoconferencing app for the duration of the competition. They may want to share a workspace, such as Google Docs or Bitpaper, as well. That setup would be up to each team to figure out.
My school has spring break during the contest window. Can I do the contest before or after?
You may contact us to request a contest time either April 2-4 or April 11-14. We will not be able to accommodate requests for before or after those dates.
do you have any tips for how to run practice sessions?
Yes! Visit our new Coaching Tips page!