GAIM contest problems aim to bring out the problem solving instinct in you, rather than test any particular math skills. Certainly it is helpful to have strong arithmetic skills, knowledge of specific how-to’s like prime factorization and math facts like the Pythagorean theorem - and to that end, we provide some practice problems. However, there is no “drilling” type preparation that will help; instead we hope that your practices will focus on team-building and doing a variety of problems to stretch your mind in multiple directions.
Disclaimer: All GAIM Competition problems and solutions are the sole intellectual property of Girls’ Adventures in Math. Any unauthorized reproduction, alteration, distribution, display or other use of this material is prohibited. Unless explicitly authorized by Girls’ Adventures in Math, no recipient is allowed to share GAIM competition problems or solutions with students or colleagues who are not participants of GAIM competitions.
In the event of a violation of this copyright, Girls’ Adventures in Math reserves the right to seek all remedies available by law and in equity for such violations.
Newsletter Practice Questions
Combinations Without Repetition (activity & worksheet)
Combinations With Repetition (activity & worksheet)
Permutations (activity & worksheet)
Sample Competition Questions
2017 Upper Elementary Division Competition
2017 Middle Division Competition
To learn more about competition logistics, please visit our About the Competition page